北海道大学 大学院 環境科学院






2.提 出 先  

電子媒体(指示通りにファイル名を付けて kyomu@ees.hokudai.ac.jp へメール添付で提出)                   

 「R5 JASSO返還免除申請_DCまたはMC学年 氏名」 とすること。    
  例:R5 JASSO返還免除申請_DC3 北大花子                                            




★問い合わせは教務担当まで。 kyomu@ees.hokudai.ac.jp  011-706-2205 










2.提 出 先  



令和4年度の業績優秀者返還免除制度の申請を希望していた者が、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響 (コロナ以外の事情は不可 による研究計画の遅延等のため貸与期間中に業績を挙げることができなかった場合、特例として、1年を限度に貸与期間延長及び延長期間中の休止処理を行い、貸与終了月を先送りできます。これにより、業績を挙げる期限が1年間猶予され、令和5年度の免除申請が可能となります。
令和4年度 業績優秀者返還免除申請期間延長届(様式3)
※令和2年度及び令和3年度に延長届を提出した者(すでに再延長の適用を受けている者)は、 今年度に延長届を提出することはできません 。





※ ELMS グループ(Ex00270 全ての学生)→他機能リンク(Moodle)からも確認可能です。






番号 奨学金名 願書締切日 提出先 課程
1 インペックス教育交流財団 2022/10/1 個人申請 修士
2 ドイツ「恵光」日本文化センター 2022/11/30 個人申請 修士
3 ニトリ海外留学奨学金 2022/11/22 教務担当 修士・博士
4 クラーク海外留学助成金 2022/11/22 教務担当 修士・博士
5 外国政府等奨学金(JASSO協力) 個人申請 修士・博士
6 ドイツ学術交流会(DAAD) 個人申請 修士・博士
7 小渕沖縄教育研究プログラム奨学生 2022/12/1 個人申請 修士・博士
8 Japan-IMF スカラシップ・プログラム 2022/11/30 個人申請 修士・博士
9 フランス政府奨学金 2022/11/20 個人申請 修士・博士
10 イノアック国際教育振興財団 2022年11月上旬 個人申請 修士・博士
11 霞山会 2023/1/18 個人申請 修士・博士
12 中国政府奨学金 個人申請 修士・博士
13 米日カウンシル渡邉利三寄付奨学金 2022/11/20 個人申請 修士・博士
14 吉林大学中国政府奨学金 2022/12/5 個人申請 修士・博士
15 中国政府奨学金留学生 2022/12/23 個人申請 修士・博士
16 佐藤陽国際奨学財団 2022/12/12 教務担当 修士・博士
17 スカンジナビア日本笹川財団 2023/2/1 個人申請 修士・博士
18 ハンガリー政府奨学金(夏期コース) 2023/3/30 個人申請 修士・博士
19 北海道未来人材応援事業(学生留学コース) 2023/4/14 教務担当 修士・博士
20 大韓民国政府奨学金(大学院) 2023/3/13 個人申請 修士・博士
21 (財)豊田理化学研究所 2023/5/8 個人申請 修士・博士
22 (財)吉田育英会(カーターセンターインターンシップ) 2023/4/26 個人申請 修士・博士
23 日米教育委員会(フルブライト・ジャパン) 2023/5/15 個人申請 修士・博士
24 皇太子明仁親王奨学金奨学生(経団連 ) 2023/11/24 個人申請 修士・博士
25 (財)経団連国際教育交流財団 2023/7/31 教務担当 修士・博士





番号 奨学金名 区分 願書締切日 提出先 課程
1 林レオロジー記念財団 給与 2022/10/3 教務担当 修士
2 NEC C&C財団 給与 2022/9/30 個人申請 博士
3 CWAJ 給与 2022/11/10 個人申請 修士
4 北海道文化財団 給与 2022/12/2 個人申請 修士・博士
5 バロック村井博之財団 給与 2022/10/31 個人申請 修士・博士
6 似鳥国際奨学財団 給与 2022/11/20 個人申請 修士
7 ヨネックススポーツ振興財団 給与 2022/11/15 個人申請 修士・博士
8 光科学技術研究振興財団 給与 2022/12/8 個人申請 修士
9 太陽ホールディングス 給与 2022/12/15 個人申請 修士・博士
10 東ソー 貸与 2023/1/16 個人申請 修士・博士
11 たすけあい奨学制度 給与 個人申請 修士・博士
12 JEES・三菱商事科学技術学生奨学金 給与 2022/12/23 教務担当 博士
13 JSR株式会社新卒採用奨学生 貸与* 2023/6/30 個人申請 修士・博士
14 ロレアル-ユネスコ女性科学者 給与 2023/2/28 個人申請 博士
16 クマ財団(クリエイター奨学金) 給与 2023/3/26 個人申請 修士・博士
17 リバネス研究費 incu・be賞 給与 2023/1/31 個人申請 修士・博士
18 SUNBOR SCHOLARSHIP 給与 2023/2/20 個人申請 博士
19 株式会社ENEOSマテリアル 貸与* 2023/6/30 個人申請 修士・博士
20 北野生涯教育振興会 給与 2023/5/11 個人申請 修士・博士
21 G-7奨学財団 給与 2023/3/28 教務担当 修士・博士
22 帝人久村奨学生 貸与 2023/3/3 教務担当 修士
23 住友大阪セメント株式会社 貸与* 2023/3/21 個人申請 修士・博士
24 吉田育英会 ドクター21 給与 2023/3/15 教務担当 博士
25 尚志社 給与 2023/3/17 教務担当 修士・博士
26 日本証券奨学財団 給与 2023/3/20 教務担当 修士・博士
27 住友電工グループ社会貢献基金 給与 2023/4/14 教務担当 修士
28 旭硝子財団 給与 2023/4/14 教務担当 修士・博士
29 日鉄鉱業奨学会 給与 2023/4/14 教務担当 修士
30 上越学生寮奨学生 貸与 2023/4/14 個人申請 修士・博士
31 佐藤奨学会 給与 2023/4/4 教務担当 修士・博士
32 (財)鹿島育英会奨学生 給与 2023/3/27 教務担当 修士
33 (財)鷹野学術振興財団 給与 2023/4/25 教務担当 修士
34 (財)北野財団 給与 2023/4/21 教務担当 修士
35 (財)TAKEUCHI育英奨学会 給与 2023/4/25 教務担当 修士
36 (財)江間忠・材木振興財団 給付 2023/4/18 教務担当 修士
37 (財)エス・シー・ビー育英会 貸与 2023/4/25 教務担当 修士
38 (財)ナガワひまわり財団 給与 2023/4/25 教務担当 修士
39 (財)戸部眞紀財団 給与 2023/4/7 教務担当 修士・博士
40 (財)アイザワ記念育英財団 給与 2023/4/18 教務担当 修士・博士
41 (財)いであ環境・文化財団 給与 2023/4/17 教務担当 修士・博士
42 (財)カナモト財団 給与 2023/5/2 教務担当 修士
43 (財)住友電工グループ社会貢献基金 給与 2023/3/31 教務担当 修士
44 (財)中部奨学会 給与・貸与 2023/4/7 教務担当 修士・博士
45 (財)ウシオ財団 給与 2023/4/12 教務担当 修士・博士
46 (財)岡部亨和奨学財団 給与 2023/4/5 教務担当 修士
47 (財)花王芸術・科学財団 給与 2023/4/25 教務担当 修士
48 (財)国土育英会 給与 2023/4/12 教務担当 修士・博士
49 (財)栗林育英学術財団 給与 2023/4/18 教務担当 修士
50 (財)フジクラ育英会 貸与 2023/4/12 教務担当 修士・博士
51 (財)中村積善会 給与 2023/4/26 教務担当 修士・博士
52 (財)清水育英会 給与 2023/5/2 教務担当 修士・博士
53 (財)日揮・実吉奨学会 給与 2023/5/12 教務担当 修士・博士

オーストラリア・タスマニア大学ツネイチ フジイ奨学金 2022年タスマニア大学短期留学奨学生募集について


オーストラリア・タスマニア大学ツネイチ フジイ奨学金
2022 年タスマニア大学短期留学奨学生募集について

【ツネイチ フジイ奨学金】
故ツネイチ フジイ氏は,オーストラリア・タスマニアにおいて,羊毛ビジネス等で成功した日本人実業家である。1985 年,タスマニアと日本における,文化,ビジネス,教育に関する交流を促進するため,ツネイチ フジイ奨学財団がタスマニアで設立された。その後,2007 年に同奨学金がタスマニア大学に移管された。ツネイチ フジイ奨学金制度の趣旨に従い, 2012 年よりタスマニア大学海洋・南極研究所(Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies 以下,IMAS)と北海道大学大学院環境科学院における国際共同研究および大学院教育をさらに強固にするため,国際南極大学事業の一環として,同奨学金を用いた大学院生短期交換留学制度を開始した。これまでに,環境科学院の学生3 名,IMAS の学生3名がツネイチ フジイ奨学生として採用されている。

① 北海道大学大学院環境科学院の修士課程もしくは博士後期課程に在籍中の日本人大学院生。
② 2022 年7 月から12 月末日までの期間内で,2 ヶ月間以上,タスマニア大学IMAS において,研究を実施できる者。
③ タスマニア大学(サンディベイキャンパス)において,5〜10 週間の語学コース(英語)を受講可能な者。なお,語学コースの受講料支払いは免除されている。

オーストラリア6,000 ドル(旅費,滞在費等含む)。タスマニア大学構内にあるCommonwealth Bank に口座を開設後,一括支給される予定。

2022 年7 月1 日〜12 月31 日(2 ヶ月以上。特別の理由が無い限り,一時帰国は認めない)。ただし、新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大等により留学可能期間が変更になる場合がある。

1 名

2022 年5 月30 日(月)〜6 月15 日(水)

応募書類ファイルに必要事項を記入後, 環境科学事務部・教務担当(kyomu@ees.hokudai.ac.jp)に電子メールで提出すること。この際,メールタイトルに「タスマニア大学ツネイチフジイ奨学金応募」と明記。
2022 年6 月15 日(水)必着。













日本学生支援機構奨学金 令和4年度予約採用決定者へ(新入生)









Special Grant Program for International Students / Research Assistant Program of Graduate School of Environmental Science


This program will select students, who can likely contribute internationally in their research field, from those students applying to doctoral courses of Graduate School of Environmental Science (GSES).
It is very meaningful to participate in research as a Research Assistant (RA) for the development of your research ability. Each Research Assistant must serve to achieve the objective of a research subject directed by a faculty member of the GSES. 


Maximum 3 years since the first year although the achievement of the objective must be evaluated each year by the committee of the faculty.

Qualifications of application (Eligibility):

Students (mainly from developing countries) who are going to seek admission to the doctor courses of GSES.

Payment Exemption / RA Allowance:

  • Payment Exemption: Total amount of school fees are entirely covered by Hokkaido University (i.e., entrance exam fee of JPY 30,000, admission fee of JPY 282,000, and annual tuition fee of JPY 535,800 for each of three years).
  • RA Allowance (depending on the actual working time): Total: 3 million yen (1 million yen for each of three years)

Travel expenses of entrance exam should be paid by applicant.

Application Period

Application for the program

Applicants are required to submit the documents listed below. The documents should not be written in a language other than English.

  • Curriculum vitae with the applicant’s photograph
  • Academic transcript
  • Graduation certificate
  • List of publications and presentations in scientific meetings
  • Research proposal
  • Direction and comments of potential supervisor and at least one co-supervisor, including proofs of communication between you and the potential supervisors
  • Master’s thesis or other documents in proof of your research ability

List of possible research subjects

MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan) Scholarship


Special Program for Graduate School of Environmental Science “Environmental Conservation Leaders for Post SDGs”

The International Priority Graduate Programs (IPGP)

Graduate School of Environmental Science (GSES) has conducted the International Priority Graduate Programs (IGBP) supported by the MEXT since 2015.

This program provides excellent foreign students with a good opportunity to learn and research environmental sciences in Japan, as well as with a scholarship and other supports.

Please visit GSES website for the latest information



2021 JAPANESE GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP FOR OVERSEAS RESEARCH STUDENTS (UNIVERSITY-RECOMMENDED MEXT SCHOLARSHIP)〔Special Program for Graduate School of Environmental Science〕 “Environmental Conservation Leaders for Post SDGs”


1. A number of Slots

3 for Master’s Course and 5 for Doctoral Course


1) Eligibility:

Overseas students with excellent academic records who newly come to Japan to study at master’s or doctoral level.

2) Language level/ability:

Those who satisfy at least one of the following conditions of English proficiency.

  1. Those who acquire B2 or higher level of CEFR or the equivalent grade/score on language test of the same level at the admittance to the regular courses.
  2. Those who completed educational curriculum to fulfill the requirement for admission to Master’s or Doctoral program at academic institute in Japan, with English-medium instruction.


Please ask your prospective supervisors about other qualifications.

2. Required Documents

The following should be prepared by an applicant.

1) Form 5 Application Form(should be ORIGINAL)

2) Form 6 Field of Study and Study Program (hard copy)(should include
relevance of your research plan to SDGs

3) A passport-style photograph taken in the last 6 months, cut to 45mm x 35mm, upper body, full faced, uncapped. Write your name and nationality on the back. Adhere to your application form as advised, or insert an image in electronic format onto your application form. (should be ORIGINAL)

4) Proof of nationality (e.g. photocopied passport, family register or proof of citizenship) (hard copy)

5) Official academic transcript of the most recent degree issued by the university which the applicant is a graduate of (either an undergraduate or postgraduate degree) (hard copy)

6) Certificate of graduation, graduation letter or diploma of the most recent degree issued by the university which the applicant is a graduate of (either an undergraduate or postgraduate degree) (hard copy)

7) Record of high academic achievements earned at the most recent university which the applicant is a graduate of. (hard copy)

8) Letter of recommendation from the dean of the graduate school to which the applicant belongs, or someone in higher position, addressed to the president of Hokkaido University, Prof. Kiyohiro Houkin (hard copy)

9) Abstracts of thesis or academic papers (please provide brief summaries) (hard copy)

10) Objective evidence of eligibility of language proficiency described “Language level/ability”(incl. TOEFL/IELTS JLPT certificates) (hard copy)

11) Form 9 PLEDGE (should be ORIGINAL)

12) Form 7 Career plan (soft copy)

13) Recommendation letter from the supervisor of the graduate school to which the applicant belongs or the other faculty who knows the applicant very well. (hard copy)

Application Submission Deadline through a Prospective Supervisor

February 22, 2021
* Pleae submit all documents to a prospective supervisor.

Selection Notification Dates

The internal notification date: Late March 2021(tentative)
The final notification date: Late June 2021(tentative)


If the scholarship application is accepted, applicants need to take entrance examination in August, 2021. They will start master’s or doctoral program in October, 2021. There will not be a research student period.
See the Graduate School website for details of the regular entrance examination. (https://www.ees.hokudai.ac.jp/?page_id=2724&lang=en)


The Academic Affairs Section, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University.
E-mail: kyomu@ees.hokudai.ac.jp
Kita 10, Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan
Phone: +81-11-706-2205

Special Grant Program for International Students (April 2021)


Special Grant Program for International Students / Research Assistant Program of Graduate School of Environmental Science (April 2021)

This program will select students, who can likely contribute internationally in their research field, from those students applying to doctoral courses of Graduate School of Environmental Science.

It is very meaningful to participate in research as a Research Assistant (RA) for the development of your research ability. Each Research Assistant must serve to achieve the objective of a research subject directed by a faculty member of the Graduate School of Environmental Science. The research subjects are listed below.



Maximum 3 years since the first year although the achievement of the objective must be evaluated each year by the committee of the faculty.


Qualifications of application (Eligibility):

Students (mainly from developing countries) who are going to seek admission to the doctor courses of Graduate School of Environmental Science.


Payment Exemption / RA Allowance:

Payment Exemption: Total amount of school fees are entirely covered by Hokkaido University (i.e., entrance exam fee of 30,000 yen, admission fee of 282,000 yen, and annual tuition fee of 535,800 yen for each of three years). RA Allowance (depending on the actual working time): Total: 3 million yen (1 million yen for each of three years)
Travel expenses of entrance exam should be paid by applicant.


Application Period

Until December 21 Monday, 2020


Application for the program:

Applicants are required to submit the documents listed below. The documents should not be written in a language other than English.

  1. Curriculum vitae with the applicant's photograph
  2. Academic transcript
  3. Graduation certificate
  4. List of publications and presentations in scientific meetings
  5. Research proposal
  6. Direction and comments of potential supervisor and at least one co-supervisor, including proofs of communication between you and the potential supervisors
  7. Master's thesis or other documents in proof of your research ability


Reference and address to apply

Graduate School of Environmental Science
Hokkaido University
Kita 10, Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-0810 Japan
E-mail: kyomu (at) ees.hokudai.ac.jp


List of possible research subjects (2021)

Title: Response of tree populations to climatic conditions in forest ecosystems of Asia-Pacific region
Professor: Shin-ichiro Aiba
Clarifying the responses of forest and tree populations to climatic conditions is crucial to predict and mitigate the impact of global climate change on terrestrial ecosystems. For this purpose, this study analyzes the long-term monitoring data of forest plots in diverse environments in Asia-Pacific region. As climatic factors, we focus on temperature, rainfall and snowfall gradients, which are likely to change in a future warmer Earth. Successful applicants are required to have knowledge and skills of plant ecology of forest ecosystems.
Title: Land-atmosphere interaction in sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales
Associate Professor: Tomonori SATO
Atmospheric circulation is sensitive to the underlying land surface conditions, such as those reflecting natural variabilities (e.g., soil, snow, and ecosystem) and anthropogenic activities (e.g., land use and land cover changes). This project proposes to investigate the interaction between land and atmosphere, aiming to improve weather and climate predictions in sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales. The successful candidate will use global climate data and conduct climate model simulations. Hence, the background knowledge on atmospheric sciences and programming language is needed.
Title: Multi-sensor remote sensing techniques for sustainable plantation management
Assistant Professor: Ram Avtar
Geospatial data on plantation health acquired from multi-sensor remote sensing techniques provides valuable information for sustainable plantation management especially in the tropical region. Southeast Asia has a high rate of tropical forests conversion to various types of plantation such as oil palm, rubber and industrial forest where unsustainable practices possess adverse effects on the environment. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor the plantation area closely with the help of multi-sensor remote sensing and geospatial technologies. The study aims to investigate the role of multi-sensor remote sensing data and advanced InSAR and PolSAR techniques to monitor biophysical parameters of oil palm and industrial forest plantations. These techniques shall be able to provide information about plant's biophysical parameters such as height, density, biomass, age, and canopy cover etc. Successful candidates are required to have knowledge also experiences of multi-sensor remote sensing data processing and application in the plantation areas.

Special Grant Program for International Students (October 2020)


Special Grant Program for International Students / Research Assistant Program of Graduate School of Environmental Science (October 2020)

This program will select students, who can likely contribute internationally in their research field, from those students applying to doctoral courses of Graduate School of Environmental Science.

It is very meaningful to participate in research as a Research Assistant (RA) for the development of your research ability. Each Research Assistant must serve to achieve the objective of a research subject directed by a faculty member of the Graduate School of Environmental Science. The research subjects are listed below.


Maximum 3 years since the first year although the achievement of the objective must be evaluated each year by the committee of the faculty.

Qualifications of application (Eligibility):

Students (mainly from developing countries) who are going to seek admission to the doctor courses of Graduate School of Environmental Science.

Payment Exemption / RA Allowance:

Payment Exemption: Total amount of school fees are entirely covered by Hokkaido University (i.e., entrance exam fee of 30,000 yen, admission fee of 282,000 yen, and annual tuition fee of 535,800 yen for each of three years). RA Allowance (depending on the actual working time): Total: 3 million yen (1 million yen for each of three years)
Travel expenses of entrance exam should be paid by applicant.

Application Period

Until June 22 Monday, 2020

Application for the program:

Applicants are required to submit the documents listed below. The documents should not be written in a language other than English.

  1. Curriculum vitae with the applicant’s photograph
  2. Academic transcript
  3. Graduation certificate
  4. List of publications and presentations in scientific meetings
  5. Research proposal
  6. Direction and comments of potential supervisor and at least one co-supervisor, including proofs of communication between you and the potential supervisors
  7. Master’s thesis or other documents in proof of your research ability

Reference and address to apply

Graduate School of Environmental Science
Hokkaido University
Kita 10, Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-0810 Japan
E-mail: kyomu (at) ees.hokudai.ac.jp

List of possible research subjects (2020)

Title: Study on water purification using metal-organic frameworks

Professor: Shin-ichiro Noro

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) constructed from metal nodes and organic bridging ligands are next-generation porous materials showing excellent gas adsorption/separation, catalytic, and conducting properties. This study aims at investigating adsorption properties of MOFs for environmental contaminants in water toward future practical applications.

Title: Study on coastal ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR)

Associate Professor: Masahiko Fujii

Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR) is a concept to alleviate natural disasters to human societies by maintaining ecosystems and natural capitals. This study aims to issue scientific guidelines for applying the Eco-DRR to local societies in coastal regions, especially enhancing various ecosystem services of coastal ecosystems, such as coral reefs, seaweeds and mangroves. Successful candidates are required to have already acquired or will acquire skills soon after starting the Ph.D. course that are necessary to engage in relevant studies, such as numerical modeling, remote sensing and monitoring (observation).

Title: Molecular mechanisms underlying responses to mineral nutrient stresses in plants

Associate Professor: Kyoko Miwa

Sustainable agricultural production is one big challenge for sustainable society in the world. For this purpose, it is crucial to improve plant productivities in unfertile soils with low input, and development of crop cultivars tolerant to environmental stresses is one of the most effective strategies. This study aims to identify the key genes required for tolerance to mineral nutrient stresses and reveal the molecular mechanisms by molecular genetics with a model plant. Successful candidates are required to have knowledge on genetics and basic experimental skills for molecular biology.

Special Grant Program for International Students (April 2020)


Special Grant Program for International Students / Research Assistant Program of Graduate School of Environmental Science (April 2020)

This program will select students, who can likely contribute internationally in their research field, from those students applying to doctoral courses of Graduate School of Environmental Science.

It is very meaningful to participate in research as a Research Assistant (RA) for the development of your research ability. Each Research Assistant must serve to achieve the objective of a research subject directed by a faculty member of the Graduate School of Environmental Science. The research subjects are listed below.


Maximum 3 years since the first year although the achievement of the objective must be evaluated each year by the committee of the faculty.

Qualifications of application (Eligibility):

Students (mainly from developing countries) who are going to seek admission to the doctor courses of Graduate School of Environmental Science.

Payment Exemption / RA Allowance:

Payment Exemption: Total amount of school fees are entirely covered by Hokkaido University (i.e., entrance exam fee of 30,000 yen, admission fee of 282,000 yen, and annual tuition fee of 535,800 yen for each of three years). RA Allowance (depending on the actual working time): Total: 3 million yen (1 million yen for each of three years)
Travel expenses of entrance exam should be paid by applicant.

Application Period

Until December 19 Wednesday, 2019

Application for the program:

Applicants are required to submit the documents listed below. The documents should not be written in a language other than English.

  1. Curriculum vitae with the applicant’s photograph
  2. Academic transcript
  3. Graduation certificate
  4. List of publications and presentations in scientific meetings
  5. Research proposal
  6. Direction and comments of potential supervisor and at least one co-supervisor, including proofs of communication between you and the potential supervisors
  7. Master’s thesis or other documents in proof of your research ability

Reference and address to apply

Graduate School of Environmental Science
Hokkaido University
Kita 10, Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-0810 Japan
E-mail: kyomu (at) ees.hokudai.ac.jp

List of possible research subjects (2020)

Title: Study on coastal ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR)

Associate Professor: Masahiko Fujii

Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR) is a concept to alleviate natural disasters to human societies by maintaining ecosystems and natural capitals. This study aims to issue scientific guidelines for applying the Eco-DRR to local societies in coastal regions, especially enhancing various ecosystem services of coastal ecosystems, such as coral reefs, seaweeds and mangroves. Successful candidates are required to have already acquired or will acquire skills soon after starting the Ph.D. course that are necessary to engage in relevant studies, such as numerical modeling, remote sensing and monitoring (observation).

オーストラリア・タスマニア大学ツネイチ フジイ奨学金 2019年タスマニア大学短期留学奨学生募集について


【ツネイチ フジイ奨学金】
故ツネイチ フジイ氏は,オーストラリア・タスマニアにおいて,羊毛ビジネス等で成功した日本人実業家である。
ツネイチ フジイ奨学財団がタスマニアで設立された。その後,2007年に同奨学金がタスマニア大学に移管された。
ツネイチ フジイ奨学金制度の趣旨に従い, 2012年よりタスマニア大学海洋・南極研究所
(Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies 以下,IMAS)と北海道大学大学院環境科学院における国際共同研究
これまでに,環境科学院の学生3名,IMASの学生3名がツネイチ フジイ奨学生として採用されている。


オーストラリア6,000ドル(旅費,滞在費等含む)。タスマニア大学構内にあるCommonwealth Bankに口座を開設後,一括支給される予定。






















特任助教 川西亮太




■推薦可能人員 1名

月額 30,000円
支給期間 正規の課程修了までの期間


■提出期限  2018年6月5日(火)

■提 出 先  環境科学事務部教務担当



1. Outline of the program This program supported by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) aims to enhance the circulation of competent human resources between Japan and Asian countries and to promote innovation across Asia. To this end, the program provides opportunities for study and internship in Japan for competent students who graduated or are expected to graduate from ‘partner schools’ in 12 Asian countries.

2. Partner schools Please refer to the list of partner schools on JICA’s web page (https://www.jica.go.jp/english/countries/asia/innovative_asia.html)

3. Number of participants acceptable to our graduate school This year, we accept 1 participant of this program into our master’s course

4. Research fields for application All fields of environmental science that four divisions of our graduate school cover

5. Schedule of the program October of 2018: the program starts. Students are enrolled firstly as research students for 6 months February of 2019: the entrance examination for master’s course (IMPORTANT: Those who fail to pass the entrance examination must return to their home countries) April of 2019: the program for master’s course (for 2 years) starts February of 2021: the final presentation of master thesis March of 2021: completion of the master’s course April of 2021: Internships can be offered for up to 6 months in Japan after the completion if participants desire JICA provides participants in the program the expenses, including entrance fees, tuition, and allowances for living expenses (fixed amount). JICA will offers all participants internships during summer vacations and/or other appropriate periods. Please refer JICA’s website for the details. (https://www.jica.go.jp/english/countries/asia/innovative_asia.html)

6. Admission Requirements: Applicants must satisfy the following requirements: 1) Possessing the nationality of one of the following 12 Asian countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam 2) Being under 35 years of age (as of September 1st, 2018) 3) Obtaining a bachelor's degree (as of September 1st, 2018) 4) Applicants shall be a graduate from any of the partner schools (as of September 1st, 2018) 5) Having adequate English skills both in written and oral communication to complete the master's course in Japan 6) Applicants are required to have clear understanding of the objectives of the Innovative Asia Initiative and to have a strong will to contribute to the industrial development of their home countries as well as to strengthen the linkage between their countries and Japan 7) Applicants must not be receiving or planning to receive a scholarship offered by other foreign organizations 8) Applicants must be both physically and mentally fit for the program

7. Procedure for application 1) Applicants are required to contact an expected supervisor of our graduate school firstly (refer to our website: http://www.ees.hokudai.ac.jp) and consult the research subject with him/her. 2) To apply to this program, submit the documents listed below THROUGH the expected supervisor by April 20, 2018. 3) Successful candidates who pass the screening of documents will be interviewed via poly-com or skype system by the mid of May. 4) The result of the interview will be announced in the end of May. (Note) In addition, students from India, Bangladesh and Vietnam are required to submit application to the government THROUGH partner schools. Please refer to the list of contacts on JICA’S web page. (https://www.jica.go.jp/english/countries/asia/innovative_asia.html) Closing date for students from India, Bangladesh and Vietnam : April 12(Bangladesh), April 20(India and Vietnam)

8. Documents for application: 1) Application form (attached file (Form-1)) 2) Field of Study and Study Program (attached file (Form-2)) 3) Academic Transcript (at least recent two years) 4) GPA and/or ABC that indicate the applicant is an excellent student 5) Score of TOEFL or the relevant certification 6) Recommendation letter from an expected supervisor 7) Bona fide diploma of the last graduation 8) Portrait (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm, taken within past six months) 9) Copy of passport

9. Closing date for application: April 20, 2018 (Japan time)

10. Application document submission Applicants must submit the required documents to the expected supervisor well in advance of the closing date (see “7. Procedure for application”).

11. Inquiry Academic Affairs Section, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University Kita 10, Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan E-mail: kyomu@ees.hokudai.ac.jp Phone: +81-11-706-2205



1. Outline of the program This program supported by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) aims to enhance the circulation of competent human resources between Japan and Asian countries and to promote innovation across Asia. To this end, the program provides opportunities for study and internship in Japan for competent students who graduated or are expected to graduate from ‘partner schools’ in 12 Asian countries.

2. Partner schools Please refer to the list of partner schools on JICA’s web page (https://www.jica.go.jp/english/countries/asia/innovative_asia.html)

3. Number of participants acceptable to our graduate school This year, we accept 2 participants of this program into our master’s course as follows:
1) One participant who graduated or is expected to graduate from any of the partner schools in India
2) One participant who graduated or is expected to graduate from any of the partner schools in 12 Asian countries

4. Research fields for application All fields of environmental science that four divisions of our graduate school cover

5. Schedule of the program October of 2017: the program starts. Students are enrolled firstly as research students for 6 months February of 2018: the entrance examination for master’s course (IMPORTANT: Those who fail to pass the entrance examination must return to their home countries) April of 2018: the program for master’s course (for 2 years) starts February of 2020: the final presentation of master thesis March of 2020: completion of the master’s course April of 2020: Internships can be offered for up to 6 months in Japan after the completion if participants desire JICA provides participants in the program the expenses, including entrance fees, tuition, and allowances for living expenses (about 144,000 JPY/month). JICA will offers all participants internships during summer vacations and/or other appropriate periods. Please refer JICA’s website for the details. (https://www.jica.go.jp/english/countries/asia/innovative_asia.html)

6. Admission Requirements: Applicants must satisfy the following requirements:
1) Possessing the nationality of one of the following 12 Asian countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam
2) Being under 40 years of age (as of September 1st, 2017)
3) Obtaining a bachelor's degree (as of September 1st, 2017)
4) Applicants shall be a graduate from any of the partner schools (as of September 1st, 2017)
5) Having adequate English skills both in written and oral communication to complete the master's course in Japan
6) Applicants are required to have clear understanding of the objectives of the Innovative Asia Initiative and to have a strong will to contribute to the industrial development of their home countries as well as to strengthen the linkage between their countries and Japan
7) Applicants must not be receiving or planning to receive a scholarship offered by other foreign organizations
8) Applicants must be both physically and mentally fit for the program

7. Procedure for application
1) Applicants are required to contact an expected supervisor of our graduate school firstly (refer to our website: http://www.ees.hokudai.ac.jp) and consult the research subject with him/her.
2) To apply to this program, submit the documents listed below THROUGH the expected supervisor by May 12, 2017.
3) Successful candidates who pass the screening of documents will be interviewed via poly-com or skype system by the end of May.
4) The result of the interview will be announced in the beginning of June.

8. Documents for application:
1) Application form (attached file (Form-1))
2) Field of Study and Study Program (attached file (Form-2))
3) Academic Transcript (at least recent two years)
4) GPA and/or ABC that indicate the applicant is an excellent student
5) Score of TOEFL or the relevant certification
6) Recommendation letter from an expected supervisor
7) Bona fide diploma of the last graduation
8) Portrait (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm, taken within past six months)
9) Copy of passport

9. Closing date for application: May 12, 2017 (Japan time)

10. Application document submission Applicants must submit the required documents to the expected supervisor well in advance of the closing date (see “7. Procedure for application”).

11. Inquiry Academic Affairs Section, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University Kita 10, Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan E-mail: kyomu@ees.hokudai.ac.jp Phone: +81-11-706-2205





 月  額 50,000円
 給付期間 平成28年4月〜平成29年3月

(1)奨学金支給申請書 ※必ず両面印刷


■提出期限  2016年8月4日(木)

■提 出 先  環境科学事務部教務担当

オーストラリア・タスマニア大学ツネイチ フジイ奨学金2016年タスマニア大学短期留学奨学生募集について


【ツネイチ フジイ奨学金】
故ツネイチ フジイ氏は,オーストラリア・タスマニアにおいて,羊毛ビジネス等で成功した日本人実業家である。1985年,タスマニアと日本における,文化,ビジネス,教育に関する交流を促進するため,ツネイチ フジイ奨学財団がタスマニアで設立された。その後,2007年に同奨学金がタスマニア大学に移管された。ツネイチ フジイ奨学金制度の概念に従い, 2012年よりタスマニア大学海洋・南極研究所(Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies。以下,IMAS)と北海道大学大学院環境科学院における国際共同研究および大学院教育をさらに強固にするため,国際南極大学の一環として,同奨学金を用いた大学院生短期交換留学制度を開始した。


 オーストラリア7,000ドル(旅費,滞在費等含む)。タスマニア大学構内にあるCommonwealth Bankに口座を開設後,一括支給される予定。


【募集人員】 1名

【応募期限】 2016年4月15日(金)









2.提出期限  2015年6月17日(水)17時【締切厳守】

3.提出先   環境科学事務部(教務担当)

4.その他   他の奨学金との併給は認められませんので,ご留意願います。





 (1)月額:10万円(無利子)  ※外国人留学生の場合:6万円/月を給付


4.提出期限  9月12日(金)17時【締切厳守】

5.提出先  環境科学事務部(教務担当)


オーストラリア・タスマニア大学ツネイチ フジイ奨学金 2014年タスマニア大学短期留学奨学生募集について


【ツネイチ フジイ奨学金】
 故ツネイチ フジイ氏は,オーストラリア・タスマニアにおいて,羊毛ビジネス等で成功した日本人実業家である。1985年,タスマニアと日本における,文化,ビジネス,教育に関する交流を促進するため,ツネイチ フジイ奨学財団がタスマニアで設立された。その後,2007年に同奨学金がタスマニア大学に移管された。ツネイチ フジイ奨学金制度の概念に従い, 2012年よりタスマニア大学海洋・南極研究所(Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies。以下,IMAS)と北海道大学大学院環境科学院における国際共同研究および大学院教育をさらに強固にするため,国際南極大学の一環として,同奨学金を用いた大学院生短期交換留学制度を開始した。

? 北海道大学大学院環境科学院の修士課程もしくは博士後期課程に在籍中の日本人大学院生。
? 2014年4月から2015年1月末までの期間内で,3ヶ月間以上,タスマニア大学IMASもしくはその連携研究機関において,研究を実施できる者。
? タスマニア大学(サンディベイキャンパス)において,約1ヶ月間の語学コース(英語)を受講可能な者。

 オーストラリア9,000ドル(旅費,滞在費等含む)。タスマニア大学構内にあるCommonwealth Bankに口座を開設後,一括支給される予定。










日時:2013年3月14日(木) 13:30−
場所:地球環境科学研究院 D101講義室

  • Mir Md. Mozammal Hoque (地球圏科学専攻) Low molecular weight dicarboxylic acids and related compounds in the marine aerosols from the Pacific Ocean.
  • Md. Shariful Islam (環境起学専攻) Phytoremediation of Heavy metals from Water Environment
  • Yanqing Wang (環境起学専攻) Application of nanomaterials in sustainability of environment science
  • A.K.M Rashidul Alam (生物圏科学専攻) Early phase of invasion of Balanus glandula along the coast of Eastern Hokkaido:changes in abundance, distribution and recruitment
  • Chiang Huang-Chu (環境物質科学専攻) Application of Stark Spectroscopy in Absorption and Photoluminescence to Optoelectronic Functional Materials
  • Md. Tajuddin Sikder (環境起学専攻) Analyses of contaminants and development of a high-performance water purification technique for surface water
  • Buranaboripan Wanvisa (環境物質科学専攻) Adsorption of reactive dyes from aqueous solution by β-cyclodextrin linked chitosan derivative



GCOEプログラム 人材育成 海外滞在体験学生レポートサイト
「GCOE Career-Up Program Students’ Reports」開設のお知らせ

この「GCOE Career-Up Program Students’ Reports」サイトは、人材育成プログラムに参加した学生の声を紹介するサイトです。

「GCOE Career-Up Program Students’ Reports」

GCOE Students' Reports site

  • 所在地・連絡先

    北海道大学大学院環境科学院/ 地球環境科学研究院
  • 月別アーカイブ

  • カテゴリー別アーカイブ

北海道大学 大学院 環境科学院 / 地球環境科学研究院