- 2024/10/31Assist. Prof. Yoshihiro Nakayama received the AGU Cryosphere Early Career Award
- 2024/07/10The 10th Matsuno Environmental Science Award recipients
- 2024/05/30Assoc. Prof. Tomohiro Watanabe has received the title of Hokkaido University Distinguished Researcher
- 2023/10/05Assoc. Prof. Yuko Takizawa was awarded the Hokkaido University Yoshie Katsurada Award
- 2023/09/20Assist. Prof. Koichi Ito received the Research Encouragement Award of the Japanese Society of Mathematical Biology
- 2023/07/18The 9th Matsuno Environmental Science Award recipients
- 2023/06/02Prof. Youhei Yamashita was awarded the Nishida Prize by Japan Geoscience Union
- 2023/04/13Professor Jun Nishioka and Assistant Professor Tomohiro Watanabe received the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of MEXT
- 2023/03/29Ms. Yuri Fukai (Division of Earth System Sci.) received the Hokkaido University Ohtsuka Award
- 2023/03/22Graduate School Poster Presentation Session 2022!
- 2023/03/06Final lecture by Prof. Masashi Ohara was reported on HTB
- 2023/02/22Prof. Ram Avtar was awarded the Hokkaido University President’s Award for Excellence in Research and Education
- 2023/02/09Mr. Shuntaro Hyogo (Division of Earth System Sci.), a member of 64th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition, was introduced in ANN News
- 2022/11/07Prof. Masaaki Morikawa was awarded an Honorary doctorate.
- 2022/07/14The 8th Matsuno Environmental Science Award recipients
- 2021/10/19Assist. Prof. Ryota Kawanishi received the Best Paper Award of the Ichthyological Society of Japanan
- 2021/07/14The 7th Matsuno Environmental Science Award recipients
- 2021/06/16オホーツク海調査航海のテレビ放映(6/18 NHK総合「北海道道」)
- 2021/06/10Assist. Prof. Ryota Kawanishi received an Encouragement Prize of Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant
- 2021/05/20Prof. Shiro Tsuyuzaki’s educational commentary for children has been released on Honda Kids
- 2021/05/16Prof. Shin Sugiyama as a representative of researchers of the host country in ASM3
- 2021/04/07Assoc. Prof. Yoshinori Iizuka received The Commendation by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
- 2021/03/25GSES Photography Contest 2020
- 2020/07/29The 6th Matsuno Environmental Science Award recipients
- 2020/03/19GSES Photography Contest 2019
- 2019/12/02Assoc. Prof. Shigeru Aoki, the new leader of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition!
- 2019/10/30Our professors selected for HU Commendation for Excellent Teaching!
- 2019/08/01The 5th Matsuno Environmental Science Award recipients
- 2019/03/29GSES Photography Contest 2018
- 2019/03/07Dean, Prof. Masashi Ohara received Hokkaido University Presidential Commendation for Education
- 2018/10/30Dean, Prof. Masashi Ohara selected for Hokkaido University Commendation for Excellent Teaching
- 2018/10/30Assist. Prof. Ryota Kawanishi received the Best Article Award 2019 of the Ichthyological Society of Japan
- 2018/10/25Assoc. Prof. Yoko Mitani, Division of Biosphere Science, will appear in NHK Special on NHK General TV
- 2018/07/27Assoc. Prof. Takeshi Horinouchi gives invited lecture at COSPAR2018
- 2018/05/02Tanabe Tomoki (Biosphere D3) awarded
- 2015/09/04The 1st Matsuno Environmental Science Award recipients
- 2014/10/31環境科学院写真コンテスト 2014 の実施について
- 2013/10/28Photography Contest
- 2012/12/102012Kitaguni_Award
- 2011/11/16We achieved reduction of energy consumption for air-conditioning of 33 % over summer 2010