Assoc. Prof. Yuko Takizawa was awarded the Hokkaido University Yoshie Katsurada Award
2023-10-05We are pleased to announce that Associate Professor Yuko Takizawa (Division of Earth System Science; Institute of Low Temperature Science) has received the Yoshie Katsurada Award from Hokkaido University. This new award was established to honor female faculty members of Hokkaido University who have conducted excellent academic research and are expected to be active in the next generation of management positions. The name of this award is derived from Dr. Yoshie Katsurada (1911-1980), who was the first woman in Japan to receive a doctorate of science in mathematics and the first woman professor at Hokkaido Imperial University, and was established to honor her achievements as a pioneer of the women researchers.
Assoc. Prof. Takizawa has been conducting research using stable isotopes of organic compounds to clarify “functions and strategies of organisms to adapt to environmental changes” from the viewpoint of material and energy utilization.
Congratulations, Assoc. Prof. Takizawa!