The 10th Matsuno Environmental Science Award recipients
2024-07-10We are happy to announce that the following 4 individuals have been selected as the 10th Matsuno Science Award recipients. Congratulations! The award ceremony will be held along with the degree conferment ceremony in September.
Shixue Li (Division of Environmental Science Development)
East Asian summer rainfall stimulated by subseasonal Indian monsoonal heating, Shixue Li, Tomonori Sato, Tetsu Nakamura, and Wenkai Guo, Nature Communications 14, 5932 (2023)
Reasons for Selection (PDF in Japanese) Selected Paper (External link)
Ken Kondo (Division of Earth System Science)
Calving, ice flow, and thickness of outlet glaciers controlled by land-fast sea ice in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica, Ken Kondo and Shin Sugiyama, Journal of Glaciology, 1-13 (2023)
Reasons for Selection (PDF in Japanese) Selected Paper (External link)
Mengwei Zhang (Division of Biosphere Science)
Deep learning-based high-throughput detection of in vitro germination to assess pollen viability from microscopic images, Mengwei Zhang, Jianxiang Zhao, and Yoichiro Hoshino, Journal of Experimental Botany 74 (21), 6551–6562 (2023)
Reasons for Selection (PDF in Japanese) Selected Paper (External link)
Chinatsu Murata (Division of Environmental Materials Science)
Anion–π interaction inside the polyanionic Mo132O372 cage with hydrophobic inner space, Chinatsu Murata, Jaesob Shin, Katsuaki Konishi, Chemical Communications 59, 2441–2444 (2023)
Reasons for Selection (PDF in Japanese) Selected Paper (External link)
What is Matsuno Environmental Science Award?
The award is funded by a donation from Taro Matsuno, an emeritus professor of Hokkaido University who is one of the 2013 Blue Planet Prize laureates, and it is intended to honor students who have conducted outstanding research at the Graduate School of Environmental Science.
Candidates eligible for this award are current or former students at the Graduate School of Environmental Science, whose research papers as lead authors were published in peer-reviewed academic journals concerning research conducted at the Graduate School within the two years prior to the award year. Each year, the selection committee chooses up to four papers, and recipients receive a certificate, a medal, and a monetary prize.
The selection of candidates is based on recommendations from the division chiefs, and there is no open application process.