北海道大学 大学院 環境科学院




6月7日(木)10:30-12:00にEES seminarを開催します。
演者は、都市における生物の進化についてSCIENCE誌に昨年論文を発表したトロント大学のMarc Johnson博士です。

EES seminar

Date&Time: 7 Jun 2018, 10:30-12:00
Place: Meeting Room 207, Research Laboratory, Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere (see the attached map)

Title: Evolution in life in cities

Speaker: Prof. Marc T. J. Johnson (University of Toronto, Mississauga)

Urban areas represent the fastest growing ecosystem on earth, in which the development of cities dramatically changes the biotic and abiotic environment to create novel ecosystems.
Despite the importance of urbanization, we have little understanding of how urbanization affects the evolution of species that live in cities.
In this talk, I will review our current knowledge of about the effects of cities on multiple evolutionary processes, including mutation, gene flow, genetic drift and natural selection.
I will then describe our work examining how these evolutionary processes affect the ability of plants to adapt to urban environments.
I will conclude with a discussion of existing gaps in our knowledge and a description of the first global study of urban evolution, in which we are looking for Japanese collaborators.

Relevant literature:
Johnson MTJ, Munshi-South J. (2017) Evolution of life in urban environments. Science 358, aam8327.
Thompson KA, Renaudin M, Johnson MTJ. (2016) Urbanization drives the evolution of parallel clines in plant populations.
Proceeding of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283, 20162180.
Santangelo JS, Johnson MTJ, Ness RW. (In Press) Modern spandrels: the roles of genetic drift, natural selection and gene flow in the formation of parallel clines. Proceeding of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/03/27/289777)
Johnson MTJ, Thompson KA, Saini HS. (2015) Plant evolution in the urban jungle. Am. J. Bot. 102, 1951-1953.

Shunsuke Utsumi
Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere
Kita 9 Nishi 9, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0809
Tel : 011-706-2589
Email : utsumi@fsc.hokudai.ac.jp

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    北海道大学大学院環境科学院/ 地球環境科学研究院
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北海道大学 大学院 環境科学院 / 地球環境科学研究院