Organic Chemistry、Coordination Chemistry、Supramolecular Chemistry、Computational Chemistry
Our research aims to merge organic/supramolecular chemistry and inorganic multimetallic cluster compounds at the molecular level to explore novel functional hybrid materials/molecules that should contribute to the development of next-generation environmental or environmentally-benign materials. The basic approach involves the precise construction/design of inorganic nano-structures and tailor-made organic-based proximal environments, which would lead to the emergence of of unique properties and phenomena arising from the molecular events at the interface of the two different species.
Electrochemistry, Surface and Interfacial Chemistry, Energy Conversion, Interfacial Vibrational Spectroscopy
Fundamental research for low-carbon energy device such as polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs), mainly focusing on the developments of platinum group metal (PGM) nanostructured electrocatalysts and bio-inspired non-PGM electrocatalysts, Electrochemical conversion of nitrate and nitrous oxide to harmless or useful materials, Operand spectroscopic electrochemistry at artificial bio-membrane model electrodes, and Fundamental research for multi-electron transfer reactions.
Environmental Catalysis, Materials Chemistry, Biomass Conversion
We are working on development of heterogeneous catalysts and catalytic reaction processes for environmental purification and conservation, especially for purification of groundwater polluted with harmful nitrate and perchlorate, rapid decomposition of greenhouse gases, selective transformation of biomass-derived polyols and development of new metal oxide catalysts by precious valence control.
Atmospheric Chemistry、Atmospheric Physical Chemistry
Research of our laboratory focuses on studies aiming at the understanding of chemical reactions in the atmosphere. In particular, secondary organic aerosol formation from the atmospheric oxidation of volatile organic compounds and heterogeneous reactions of gaseous trace species with aerosol particles are investigated mainly using mass spectrometric techniques.
Environmental Restoration Chemistry、Coordination Chemistry、Porous Materials
Environmental remediation using porous metal complexes (metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), porous coordination polymers (PCPs), etc.), which are constructed from metal ions and organic bridging ligands, and other porous materials, in particular adsorption and separation of global warming gases (carbon dioxide, methane, dinitrogen monoxide), separation and decomposition of pollutants (organic matter, heavy metal cations, nitric acid anions, etc.) in water, and the development of materials for the release of useful substances such as ethylene gas.
Environmental Geochemistry、Analytical Geochemistry
LIU Tong, Assistant Prof.
POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants)、Environmental dynamic analysis、Environmental load and risk assessment
We study the occurrence, dynamics, and risks of emerging pollutants in freshwater environment, and how human activities affect the pollutant emissions and transport.