Graduate School of Environmental Science

Laying down the co-ordinates of environmental science

EES seminar by Dr. Alton C. BYERS on November 12


We will have an EES seminar on 12th November at 16:30-18:00 as follows. We look forward to your participation.

Date&time: 11/12(Tue) 16:30-18:00
Room: EES/GES D-102
Presenter:  Dr. Alton C. BYERS (INSTAAR, University of Colorado at Boulder)
Talk title: Notes from the Field: Recent Glacier-Related Flood Events in High Mountain Environments
※This lecture will be conducted in English

Talk summary:
The development of glacial lakes from receding glaciers, contained by either terminal moraines or bedrock, is commonly linked with global warming trends that have occurred since the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA). Such lakes are prone to sudden and catastrophic drainage, popularly known as glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF), that is most commonly initiated by snow and ice avalanches. AlthoughGLOFs continue to dominate the focus of both peer reviewed and popular media articles alike, a range of other cryospheric processes and hazards exist that are in need of further research attention and mitigation technologies. Those discussed in the multi-media presentation include (a) englacial conduit floods, (b) permafrost-linked rockfall that can initiate floods, and (c) earthquake-linked glacial lake floods. It is suggested that our understanding of these hazards could be strengthened through the use of more field-based studies; the investigation of glacier flood events as soon after their occurrence as possible; and incorporation of the insights and experiences of local people. How scientists can more quickly and effectively share the results of their high mountain hazards research with decision-makers; and how decision-makers and governments can deliver more timely mitigation programs, are areas that are also suggested as being in need of further strengthening.

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