Graduate School of Environmental Science

Laying down the co-ordinates of environmental science

EES seminar by Dr. Roman SELYANCHYN October 28


We will have an EES seminar on 28th October at 16:30-18:00 as follows. We look forward to your participation.

Date&time: 10/28(Mon) 16:30~18:00
Room: D201
Presenter:  Dr. Roman SELYANCHYN (International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research, Kyushu University)
Talk title: Development of gas separation membranes for direct air capture of CO2
※This lecture will be conducted in English

Talk summary:
Gas separation by membranes is a cost- and energy-efficient process for conventional carbon capture at mass emission points (e.g., fossil-fueled power plants). However, unlike conventional technology, DAC processes built on membrane-based gas separation have yet to be developed and optimized. The main obstacle for DAC applications until recently was poor membrane separation performance, especially low permeances of CO2. Nevertheless, recent developments have allowed specific membrane processes to be considered for DAC. In the most likely process, several membrane separation stages are needed to achieve sufficient preconcentration of CO2 from the air. In addition, a specific combination of membrane properties (permeance and selectivity to CO2) and process parameters (e.g., permeate pressures) are needed to achieve cost-efficient separation. In this presentation, we will discuss the membrane technologies’ potential for DAC from the process simulation point of view, describe our efforts in developing and scaling up the ultrathin membranes, assembly of the practical-size membrane modules, and the overall future potential for the new m-DAC technology’s broad deployment in society and industry.

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Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University