Aug. 2: Ph.D. Defense
2021-07-26Ph.D. Defense in Division of Environmental Materials Science will be held as follows.
- Date: August 2 (Mon)
- Venue: Seminar room 1-1, Research Institute for Electronic Science
The presentation and defense will be held in a hybrid format. Only a limited number of people, the candidate, main examiner, sub-chief examiners, and committee members are allowed to enter the venue. Other faculty members and students, please join it via Zoom. For the Zoom URL, please contact us at
13:00-13:50 Ji Qin
Construction of hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks based on nitrogen-containing π-conjugated molecular systems (窒素含有π共役分子系に基づく水素結合性有機フレームワークの構築)
主査 中村、副査 小西、野呂、小門、久木(大阪大学大学院)
14:15-15:05 Chen Xin
Development of ionophore hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks composed of crown ether derivatives (クラウンエーテル誘導体で構成されるイオノフォア水素結合性有機フレームワークの開発)
主査 中村、副査、神谷、小野田、小門、久木(大阪大学大学院)