July 7: Ph.D. Defense
2021-07-01Ph.D. Defense in Division of Environmental Materials Science will be held as follows.
Date: July 7 (Wed)
Venue: Meeting Room on the 1st floor, Research Institute for Electronic Science
- Time: 13:00-13:50
- Md Shahjahan
- Title:Spatially controlled bandgap engineering and charge carrier recombination in lead halide perovskites by optical trapping
- Time: 14:10-15:00
- S. B. Bhagya Lakshmi
- Title:A microspectroscopic investigation of photoluminescence and electroluminescence in lead halide perovskites
The presentation and defense will be held in a hybrid format. Only a limited number of people, the candidate, main examiner, sub-chief examiners, and committee members are allowed to enter the venue. Other faculty members and students, please join it via Zoom. For the Zoom URL, please contact us at sfmc_office@ees.hokudai.ac.jp