Spring min-term presentation 4/15
2021-04-12Announcement of mid-term presentation of Master’s theses
Division of Environmental Science Development
It is unfortunate that we will not be able to hold normal style mid-term presentation of Master’s theses on April 15, 2021 because of nationwide spread of COVID-19. We therefore have decided to hold it both on-line and face-to-face in a combined style. Registered presenters need to prepare their presentations following the instructions provided below. Every graduate student is requested to attend this session and submit their questions and comments. Our coming presentation sessions are scheduled as below.
? 15 April (Thu) 15:15-16:30 (oral presentation)
presentation 10min. Q&A 5 min.
? 4 June (Fri) 09:30-14:30 (oral presentation)
presentation 10min. Q&A 5 min.
? 8-17 June, on-demand viewing (poster presentation)
[To oral presenters]
1. Method
You will make your presentation at D201 using the laptop provided by the division. Please come to this room by 15:00 to check if your file works correctly. Your presentation will be live-casted through “Share Screen” via Zoom.
2. Presentation file
Presentation files must be submitted before 14 April, 18:00JST. Please use google drive or other similar data transfer services to share your file with Sato-sensei . DO NOT send your presentation as an e-mail attachment. If you are familiar with ELMS’s google service, you can simply drop the file at the link.
Please also bring your file in a USB flash drive on the day of the presentation as backup and be ready in case of machine troubles.
[To audiences (all graduate students)]
1. How to attend the session?
Sign-in the Zoom meeting room with sufficient time before the session starts. Registration of your name and e-mail address might be requested when signing-in. Use “Raise Hand” option for asking questions. Switch off your camera and mute your microphone except when asking questions.
Fresh students (M1 and D1) are invited to on-site attendance at D201. For those who accept this invitation, please make sure to prevent infections (wash your hands and wear a mask).
2. How to submit questions and comments?
You are requested to ask questions (if any) and give comments to each presentation using the “comment sheet” in Excel format. We expect specific comments/questions which helps improve the study, but we also welcome basic and frank questions. Please be specific and to the point and avoid general or ambiguous comments and questions. A simple comment like “Good presentation” is not useful for presenters. Rather indicate what point is good and why. If you don’t have comments/questions, just leave it blank.
After the session, you must submit your “comment sheet” to your supervisors as an e-mail attachment (or via hardcopy is also acceptable for on-site attendees) within the same day (deadline: 23:59JST, 15 April).
mid-term presentation program 20210415.pdf
If you have any questions, please contact your supervisors or members of education committee.
Education Committee
Tomonori Sato