Graduate School of Environmental Science


[Press Release] Revealing activity patterns of representative mammals of Hokkaido by infrared cameras


A research team that includes a JSPS Research Fellow Takashi Ikeda, currently a research officer at National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Assoc. Prof. Itsuro Koizumi, and a Ph.D. student Kenta Uchida (Division of Biosphere Science) revealed seasonal and diel activity patterns of representative mammals of Hokkaido such as brown bear, Ezo sika deer, Ezo red fox, and Eurasian red squirrel by using a huge amount of photographic data (total 13,279 photos!) taken by infrared cameras. This study provides a fundamental knowledge of these mammals’ ecologies and has an important implication for wildlife management.

This research outcome is published as a research article of an open-access scientific journal, PLoS One.

Please visit the links below to view the press release (Japanese version only).
Research Press Release (PDF)

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