Graduate School of Environmental Science

Laying down the co-ordinates of environmental science

Information Session :To be held ONLINE


Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University will offer ONLINE Information Session on June 10 (Sat).

The Session will start from “General Explanation” by Dean of the graduate school at 10:00 (It takes 20 minutes) then each division will have briefing.

Session schedule and Contact Information is following.

Regarding how to attend the session, please contact each division through email.

The division you chose will send you the detailed information.

Application deadline is June 8 (Thu) noon.

Online Session Schedule and Contact Information.

Division of Environmental Science Development

        Contact: esd-jimu[at] 

Division of Earth System Science  

        Contact: ess_contact[at]

Division of Biosphere Science      

        Contact: bio-senko[at]

Division of Environmental Materials Science

        Contact: sfmc_office[at]

  ※Please replace [at] to @ when emailing us.

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    Graduate School of Env.Science / Faculty of Env.Earth Science Hokkaido University N10W5 Sapporo Hokkaido 060-0810 Contact/Counsel
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Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University