Master’s thesis defense(July27)
2020-07-20Master’s thesis defense, division of Environmental Material Science will be held as follows.
Date:July 27(Mon) After the Ph.D.defense
Place:D101 at Graduate School of Env.Science
発表時間:計20分(発表13分 質疑応答7分)
We are only allowed to enter the venue for the presenters and teachers.
if you want to participate in the defense through Zoom system, Please contact us by July 22.
発表者:黄 淵
題目:Application of water-resistant metal-organic framework NH2-MIL-53(Al) as a catalyst support for reduction of nitrite and nitrate in water(水中亜硝酸イオンおよび硝酸イオン還元反応のための耐水金属有機構造体 NH2-MIL-53(Al)の触媒担体利用)
主査:神谷 裕一
副査:野呂 真一郎、小野田 晃、中村 貴義