(Feb 9 and 10)Ph.D.defense
2021-01-25The Ph.D.defense in division of Environmental Material Science will be held as follows.
Venue: D101 at Graduate School of Env.Science and live streaming
Please ask us how to join the defense by using Zoom.
Each presenter:30 minutes presentation and 20 minutes Q&A
Date: Feb 9 (Tue), 2021 13:00ー16:20
発表者:李 思敏(13:00ー14:00)
論文題目:Multifunctional systems based on supramolecular motions in [Ni(dmit)2]- magnetic crystals
主査:中村 貴義
副査:小西 克明、野呂 真一郎、久木 一朗(大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科)
発表者:大塚 侑(14:10―15:10)
(Synthesis of fluorescent solvatochromic beads via Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling on the surface and its optical waveguide spectra tofabrication of bio-affinitysensing device)
主査:山田 幸司
副査:沖野 龍文、小西 克明、佐藤 久(大学院工学研究院)
発表者:長尾 昌紀(15:20ー16:20)
(Synthesis of Magneli-phase titanium suboxides using TiH2 and development of their functions as a solid catalyst)
主査:神谷 裕一
副査:野呂 真一郎、大友 亮一、中島 清隆(触媒科学研究所)
Date: Feb 9 (Wed), 2021 13:00ー16:20
発表者:橋本 和孝(13:00ー14:00)
(Development of highly active and stable perovskite-type iron oxide catalysts by precisely controlling crystalline structure)
主査:神谷 裕一
副査:八木 一三、小野田晃、大友 亮一
発表者:沈 陽 (14:10ー15:10)
論文題目:Studies on interparticle charge-transfer excitation: Novel band-structure analysis of semiconducting metal-oxide photocatalysts based on energy-resolved distribution of electron traps
主査:大谷 文章
副査:八木 一三、神谷 裕一、高島 舞
発表者:Tharishinny Raja-Mogan (15:20ー16:20)
論文題目:Studies on inverse opal-structured titania with gold nanoparticles as novel design for photoabsorption-efficiency enhancement in photocatalysis
主査:大谷 文章
副査:ビジュ バスデバン ピライ、高野 勇太、エヴァ=コワルスカ