1:30PM, Friday, April 9th: Ph.D. Defense
2021-04-08Ph.D. Defense in Division of Environmental Material Science will be held as follows.
Date and Time: 1:30 PM, Friday, April 9th
The defense will be conducted in a hybrid format.
Venue: D102, Graduate School of Env. Science. Only the candidate, main referee, sub-chief referees and only a limited number of people are allowed to enter the venue. Other teachers and students, please join the defense via Zoom. For the Zoom URL, please contact us at sfmc_office@ees.hokudai.ac.jp
Candidate: 陳光奕 Guangyi Chen
Title: Studies on changes in surface/bulk structure and photocatalytic activity of titania powders induced by braying(磨砕による酸化チタン粉末の表面/バルク構造と光触媒活性の変化に関する研究)