1:30PM, Monday, April 26th: Ph.D. Defense
2021-04-21Ph.D. Defense in Division of Environmental Materials Science will be held as follows.
Date: April 26 (Mon.)
Time: 13:30 to 14:00 (Presentation); 14:00 to 14:20 (Defense)
Venue: D201, Graduate School of Environmental Science.
The presentation and defense will be held in a hybrid format. Only a limited number of people, the candidate, main examiner, sub-chief examiners and committee members are allowed to enter the venue. Other faculty and students, please join it via Zoom. Please contact us at sfmc_office@ees.hokudai.ac.jp for the Zoom URL.
Candidate: CHOUHAN Lata
Thesis title: An investigation of single-particle photoluminescence blinking in halide perovskite nanocrystals and quantum dots(ハライドペロブスカイトナノ結晶と量子ドットにおける単一粒子発光の点滅についての研究)
Examiners: 主査:BIJU Vasudevan Pillai、副査:神谷裕一、KOWALSKA Ewa、七分勇勝