Division of Environmental Materials Science

Ph.D. Defense:Aug 3


Ph.D. Defense of Environmental Materials Science Division will be held as follows.

Date:Wednesday, August 3
Venue: D201 at Faculty of Env. Earth Science

WU DONGFANG (ウ ドンファン)
Self-assembled structure and magnetism of lanthanoid multinuclear complexes with lacunary polyoxometalate ligands
主査:中村 貴義、副査:小西 克明、BIJU VASUDEVAN PILLAI(オンライン)、野呂 真一郎

Nurcahyo Iman Prakoso (ヌルチャヨ イマン プラコソ)
Development of new methodology toward C-C bond formation with halogenated Weinreb amide for synthesis of halogenated natural product
主査:梅澤 大樹、副査:小西 克明、小野田 晃、鈴木 孝洋(大学院理学研究院)

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    Graduate School of Environ. Sci. Division of Environmental Materials Science Hokkaido University
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    Hokkaido 060-0810

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Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University