Ph.D. Defense:July 13
2022-06-27Ph.D. Defense of Environmental Materials Science Division will be held as follows.
Date:Wednesday, July 13
Venue: D201 at Faculty of Env. Earth Science
発表者:SOBHANAN Jeladhara (ソバナン ジェラダーラー)
主査:BIJU Vasudevan Pillai、副査:小西 克明、野呂 真一郎、
Development of fluorescent molecules and nanobioconjugates for cell imaging and singlet oxygen sensing
発表者:BHAGYASHREE Mahesha Sachith (バギャスリ マヘシャ サチッツ)
主査:BIJU Vasudevan Pillai、副査:中村 貴義、八木 一三
Studies of photoinduced electron transfer and exciton dynamics in halide perovskite films and single particles