Division of Environmental Materials Science

Ph.D. final defense of Descallar Angem Librando


Dear all,

Please be informed that our Ph. D dissertation defense will be held as follows.

Ph.D. candidate:  :Descallar Angem Librando

At 10 am on January 30th, at C-204-2

Title: Secondary metabolites produced by endosymbionts of shipworm woodborers

(Bivalvia: Teredinidae) along the coast of Hokkaido




主査 教 授 沖野 龍文

副査 教 授 野呂 真一郎

副査 准教授 豊田 和弘

副査 研究主幹 芳賀 拓真(国立科学博物館)

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Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University