Division of Environmental Materials Science

OnlineSeminar of Symbiosis in Nature 12/2


Dear Professors, Staff members, and Students

This is an announcement of the sub-course seminar of Symbiosis in Nature for the second semester of 2020. It has been decided to have the online Symbiosis in Nature sub-course seminar due to the resurgence of COVID-19.

Please see below for the detail information:

Date/Time: December 2nd (Wednesday), 14:45–16:15
Venue: On-line using Zoom application

Study Progress (Presentation- 25 minutes & Q/A- 20 minutes)

1. Shohei Yamashita
Title: Negative effects of spring water on chum salmon from eyed egg to emergence.

2. Nagiko Ochi
Title: Responses of coniferous species to different climatic conditions in Hokkaido.

Zoom information:
トピック: sub-course seminar
時間: 2020年12月2日 02:40 PM 大阪、札幌、東京

NB: The seminar history has been recorded in the following web pages –

https://hosho.ees.hokudai.ac.jp/tsuyu/top/lecture/nature_semi-e.html (
https://hosho.ees.hokudai.ac.jp/tsuyu/top/lecture/nature_semi.html (JP)

If you have any queries, kindly contact me.

Best Regards,

Md. Khorshed Alam
TA, Symbiosis in Nature

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Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University