Division of Environmental Materials Science

ph. D pre-defense of Mirza A.T.M Tanvir Rahman and Pongpet Pongsivapai 8/2,3


Dear All,

Pleased be informed that our Ph. D dissertation defense will be held in English as follows.
Everyone is welcome to attend.

?発表者: Mirza A.T.M Tanvir Rahman (環境科学院起学専攻博士後期課程 単位取得退学),

タイトル: A linkage between the underground and the land: Adult amphibitic insects mediated resource transfer and their dispersal from a gravel-bed river (held in English)

露崎史朗、中村太士(農学研究院、北大)、川西亮太、野田 隆史、根岸淳二郎

?Ph.D. candidate: Mirza A.T.M Tanvir Rahman (Withdrawal from the doctoral program after the completion of course requirements in Division of Environmental Science Development),
Date: August 2, 2021 (Mon.), 13:00-
Venue: on-line using Zoom

Title: A linkage between the underground and the land: Adult amphibitic insects mediated resource transfer and their dispersal from a gravel-bed river

Examiners: Shiro Tsuyuzaki, Futoshi Nakamura (Research Faculty of Agriculture, HU), Ryota Kawanishi, Takashi Noda, Junjiro Negishi

?発表者: Pongpet Pongsivapai (環境科学院起学専攻博士後期課程 単位取得退学),

タイトル: Sediment-water interactions of degrading floodplain waterbodies in the Ishikari River (held in English)

露崎史朗、沖野龍文、中谷 暢丈(酪農学園大学)、波多野隆介(名誉教授、北大)、根岸淳二郎

?Ph.D. candidate: Pongpet Pongsivapai (Withdrawal from the doctoral program after the completion of course requirements in Division of Environmental Science Development),
Date: August 3, 2021 (Tues.), 13:00-
Venue: on-line using Zoom

Title: Sediment-water interactions of degrading floodplain waterbodies in the Ishikari River

Examiners: Shiro Tsuyuzaki, Tatsufumi Okino, Nobutake Nakatani (Rakuno Gakuen University), Ryusuke Hatano (professor emeritus, HU) , Junjiro Negishi

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Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University