Division of Environmental Materials Science

Mid-term online presentation 11/19




Dear All,
Here is the announcement of The Mid-Term Oral Presentation & Poster Session 2020 Fall.

日程Date:11月19日(木)Nov.19 Thu.
オンライン口頭発表 Online Oral presentation 13:00?
オンデマンド式ポスター発表 On demand Poster presentation 9:00?

-Oral Presentation-
10 min. presentation , 5 min. Q&A
Viewing using zoom: Please switch off your camera and mute your microphone except when asking questions. Please use “Raise Hand” option for asking questions.

-Poster presentation-

All the files will be accessible from 09:00, November 19 to 17:00, November 24 . Please download all the files and watch them carefully. Every presentation file contains unpublished information and they are copyrighted. It is therefore strictly prohibited to use or upload any parts of the files to SNS. Please delete all the files from your computers after you watch them.

-Comment sheet-

You are requested to ask questions (if any) and give comments to the presentations. Please make your comments not only on the quality of the study but also on the way of the presentation. You may make your comments basic and frank questions. You do not need to give comments to all the presentations. A simple comment like “Good presentation” is not useful for presenters. Please indicate what point is good. Please directly enter your comments and questions in the attached Excel sheets and submit to your supervisors by an attachment file by the following deadline. The submission is accepted only by e-mail. All the presenters are requested to answer the questions and comments. We will show how we open the presenter’s answers shortly.
Deadline of submission of the comment sheet
November 24 (Tuesday) 17:00


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    Graduate School of Environ. Sci.
    Faculty of Environ. Earth Science
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    Hokkaido 060-0810
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Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University