Dr. Kazuhiro Toyoda (Associate Professor)

Affiliation: Division of Environmental Science Development: Courses in Global Environmental Management; Environmental Adaptation Science; Human and Ecological Systems & Divisions of Environmental Materials Science: Course in Environmental Nano-Materials

Office Tel & Fax: +81-11-706-4512 

email: kazuhiro@ees.hokudai.ac.jp

Office Location: GSEES bldg., rm. C408  (Lab. rm. C405-407, etc)

Mailing Address: Hokkaido Univ., N10W5, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, JAPAN

所属学会:地球化学会、第四紀学会、分析化学会、日本化学会、粘土学会、腐植物質研究会、鉱物学会、The Geochemical Society, SIL (国際応用陸水学会)



昭和58年国家公務員上級試験甲種 化学合格 (21/88)。昭和59年地質一次合格

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Education: 卒研、修士、博士と所属研究室をシフトしているので、転ラボ院生大歓迎!

1982, B.A. in Chemistry, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo. Thesis: "Geochemical study of underground water in watershed area of Tama river ". Supervisor: Prof. Ken Tominaga

1984: MSc., in Chemistry, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo. Thesis: "Geochemical study of 1400 m boring core sediment samples in Lake Biwa". Supervisor: Prof. Keiichiro Fuwa

1987: Ph.D., in Chemistry, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo. Thesis: "Geochemical studies of manganese nodules and pelagic sediment of the Pacific". Supervisor: Prof. Akimasa Masuda

2001: Visiting Scholar (MEXT oversea fellowship), Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California, San Diego,"Factors influencing bacterial Mn(II) oxidation." Mentor Professor: Dr. Bradley M. Tebo (present Distinguished Professor of OHSU)


1988-1993: Research Associate, Mineralogical Institute, Faculty of Science, the University of Tokyo.

1993-1995: Research Associate, Mineralogical Institute, Graduate school of Science, the University of Tokyo.

1995-2005: Associate Professor, Division of Material Science, Graduate school of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University.

2005-present: Associate Professor, Division of Environmental Science Development, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University.