Hokkaido University International Symposium "계속이 가능하는 발전"

일시: 200687-9
정소: 홋카이도 대학교  학술 교류 회관(N8W5 Kita-ku Sapporo)

* Schedule<PDF>

우리 COE프로그램의 포스터 발표회 결과

☆Most challenging interdisciplinary poster:
E2, Taketo Hashioka, "Marine ecosystem changes associated with global warming obtained by a numerical model"

☆Best students' (master, PhD) geo-science poster:
E37, Yuri Hiraike, "Subduction at the marginal ice zone in the Antarctic Ocean and its contribution to the Antarctic Intermediate Water using a coupled ice-ocean model"

☆Best students' (master, PhD) bio-science poster:
E31, Taro Sugimoto, "Molecular scatology of feline species in the Russian Far East"

☆Best students' (master, PhD) material science poster:
E40, Hiroshi Matsuura, "The mechanisms of echinoderm outbreaks on the Hokkaido coast"

☆Best poster presented by master-course student:
E47, Young Joon Eum, "Diversities and abundances of phytoplankton populations in the northwest subtropical Pacific Ocean"

☆Overall best poster, selected by vote among all conference participants.
E13 Roxy Mathew, "Intraseasonal variability of air sea interaction over the Indian Ocean and its influence on regional and intraseasonal variability of the Indian monsoon"

우리 프러그램 리더 池田元美 교수님이 8일에 했던 강연의 내용을 보실 있읍니다.
 *PDF file






<<심포지움의 모양>>
*프로그램 리더의 발표

*포스터 발표회