- BERNARDO, Lawrence Patrick: 沿岸域における酸性化・貧酸素複合影響の将来予測
- PANG, Yumeng: Study ocean acidification adaptation measures
Ph.D. course students
Master course students
- IWABUCHI, Keisuke: 北海道沿岸域のブルーカーボン生態系の評価と気候変動のもとでの将来予測
- ONO, Ryoga: バイオマスエネルギーの利活用に関する研究
- TAKAYAMA, Kai: 地熱の利活用に関する研究
Research students
OG/OB (Alumni)
- DUAN, Hehuan: Assessment of snow and ice cryogenic energy potential in Hokkaido: a case study in Niseko Town
- FUJIWARA, Yukiko: The impacts of rising seawater temperature by global warming on changes in the distribution of temperate seagrass species along the western coast of the North Pacific
- HAMANOUE, Ryuji: Projecting the impacts of ocean acidification on Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas): a case study in Hinase oceanic district in Okayama Prefecture and Shizugawa Bay in Miyagi Prefecture
- SHIMAHATA, Atsushi: Factors influencing the willingness of dairy farmers to adopt biogas plants: a case study in Hokkaido, Japan
- DELOS SANTOS, Kriselda Anna Parayno: Assessment of mangrove regeneration in abandoned aquaculture ponds using multi-temporal satellite imagery
- FUJITA, Yamato: Assessing and projecting the impacts of ocean acidification on the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus nudus
- KATO, Mikiya: Assessment of small hydropower generation pontential in Shiribeshi subprefecture, Hokkaido
- XIA, Yiliang: 海洋酸性化が沿岸地域社会に及ぼす影響評価及びその対策に関する研究
- XUE, Zhao: 北海道におけるバイオマスの導入拡大に関する研究
- HUYNH, Hong Thi Cam: Roles of mangrove ecosystem in the sustainability of communities in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta: a case study in Soc Trang and Bac Lieu provinces
- TERAI, Maki:
- AKAMATSU, Tomoo: Projecting the impacts of climate change on coral habitats in the temperate area of Japan
- MAEHARA, Serina: 「熱帯化」が日本沿岸の生物分布に及ぼす影響の評価
- NAVIA Miliana Saboti: Wetlands ecosystem and disaster risk reduction: Mangrove ecosystem management – A key Eco-DRR tool in reducing impacts of natural disaster impacts in Fiji
- TAKAHASHI, Takumi: Evaluation of incidental gas from hot spring water utilization scenarios in Hokkaido
- WANG, Xuechun: 海洋健全度指数を用いた北海道沿岸における生態系サービスの評価
- FUKUDA, Yoichiro: Evaluation of local bioenergy utilization system by using geospatial model
- SASAKI, Yuta
- WANG, Kun: 北海道夕張市における地域エネルギーの利活用促進による地域社会活性化の可能性の検討
- ZHU, Shiyao: 亜寒帯沿岸生態系の地球温暖化・海洋酸性化影響の評価・予測
- SASSEN, Jone Ravuci: The assessment of human impacts on the distribution patterns of mangroves: a comparative study between Rewa and Ba delta, Fiji.
- YAMAKA, Takuto: Assessment and future projection of variational characteristics of global warming and ocean acidification proxies in Oshoro Bay, Hokkaido
- CAO, Xujing: 海洋酸性化が亜寒帯の沿岸生態系に及ぼす影響評価
- ZHANG, Xiaoge: 北海道における再生可能エネルギーの導入拡大に関する研究
- TAMURA, Zen: 海洋健全度指数を用いた北海道東部沿岸域の環境評価
- XIE, Qianbing: 複数の風力発電事業に対する環境影響評価における鳥類に係る評価項目の現状と課題 ―石狩地域を例に―
- YAMANAKA, Ryo: Study on sustainable campus of North-Eastern Federal University, Russia (ロシア・北東連邦大学のサステイナブルキャンパスに関する研究)
- BEN RABIHA Oussama
- ZHANG, Yang: 北海道知床半島東部の沿岸生態環境に関する研究
- PISI, Josef Tuunasoli: Assessing the impacts of invasive alien tree species in lowland forest ecosystem in order to improve restoration strategies in Samoa
- YASIR HAYA, La Ode Muhammad: Study of Blast Fishing in Relation to the Change of Coral Reef Areas in the Spermonde Archipelago, Pangkep, Indonesia
- LI, CuiZhengYang
- KAWAZOE, Yu: Study on the improvement of electronic waste problems in Thailand
- SAWADA, Eriko: 遊泳海域レジャーの持続可能性の検証 -宮古群島 下地島・中の島ビーチ保全活動を例として-
- SHI, Minghui: Application of theory of planned behavior to develop sustainable tourism: A case of Chinese tourists to Norway
- SAWADATE, Takahiro: Assessment of potential small hydropower generation: A case study in Otsuchi, Iwate prefecture, Japan
- ZENG, Jie: Introduction of renewable energy in the crop production: A case study in asparagus fusekomi forcing culture
- BA, Xin: Study on material cycling in the coastal waters and the role of the Kiritappu Wetland, in Hamanaka Town, Hokkaido: An analysis using surf clam (Pseudocardium sachalinense) as an environmental indicator
- NGUYEN, Nhan Tuan “Assessment of saltwater intrusion in Kien Giang Province, Viet Nam”
- ROSPRIANDANA, Naufal “Assessing small hydropower potential in Indonesia: from environmental and economic perspectives”
- HUANG, Limin
- YU, Haihong
- TAKAO, Shintaro
- SHIBANO, Ryota
- KRAXNER, Florian “Sustainable forest management and bioenergy expansion -A multi-scale approach from global to local-”
- LI, Ping
- TAKEGAWA, Hiroki
- TANAKA, Risa ”The study of gender and sustainable fisheries: A case study in Antigua and Barbuda”
- ZHANG, Miao
- ZHANG, Naiman
- WANG, Wenjuan
- HINDAYANI, Purna “The prediction of nitrogen concentration and loads from Intensive Shrimp Farming (L.Vannamei Sp.) activities at the north coast of Java, Indonesia (Case: Commercial Shrimp Ponds)”
- SU, Dan
- SEKI, Rairai
- HAGA, Hirotaka
- GAO, Shu ”Evaluation of effects of tide on recreational activities in coral reefs”
- TANABE, Soichiro
- TSUNOI, Aiko “Study on the possibility of changing travel behavior for shopping in Sapporo City”
- SUN, Xiao Xiao
- ORENCIO, Pedcris Miralles (Pedo) “Developing and applying composite indicators for assessing and characterizing vulnerability and resilience of coastal communities to environmental and social change”
- ZULATATI, Kuerban “Assessment of air pollution situation and prevention in Urumqi, China”
- SO, Ling 「中国における環境汚染の現状及び環境政策の発展」
- MAGDAONG, Evangeline (Vangie) “Development of a large-scale, long-term coral cover and disturbance database in the Philippines”
- BANCHEVA, Alexandra
- ZHOU, Jin
- LI, Xian 「中国の小学校における環境教育プログラムの作成及び実践評価」
- CHA, Kyungjun
- KUBO, Yuzuru 「大学キャンパスにおける堆肥化事業実現可能性の検討 -北海道大学をケーススタディとして-」
- HONJO, Keita 「日本の47都道府県における家計部門CO2排出量の感度分析」
- LIN, Yingchao “Study on comparison of citizens’ environmental awareness among four cities in China and Japan”
- TAKAGI, Kenichiro 「環境科学院における環境負荷低減に向けた提言」
- FUJIWARA, Sayaka 「温泉地における環境負荷低減の可能性検討」
- YAMADA, Kenta 「北大キャンパスにおける有機性廃棄物の有効利活用の可能性検討」
- ISAKA, Kiminori
- MIYAZAKI, Toshiya 「マテリアルフローからみた持続可能性に関する研究」
- NAKAO, Yushin 「日本のサンゴ礁データベースの作成と分析」
Updated on 2022/07/09