Graduate School of Environmental Science

Laying down the co-ordinates of environmental science

Takuro Matsuta

  • Title: Assistant Professor
  • Course:
    • Division of Earth System Science
      • Course in Atmosphere-Ocean and Climate Dynamics
  • URL:
  • Summary: My research focuses on polar and mid-latitude ocean circulations with the aim of understanding the response of the climate system to climate variability and climate change. In particular, I am interested in eddy-mean flow interactions in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current using geophysical fluid dynamics theories, numerical simulations, and data analysis. I am also interested in the application of mathematical physics to problems in atmospheric and oceanographic sciences.
  • Keywords: Antarctic Circumpolar Current, eddy-mean flow interaction, Kuroshio Extension, nonlinear phenomena
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    Graduate School of Env.Science / Faculty of Env.Earth Science Hokkaido University N10W5 Sapporo Hokkaido 060-0810 Contact/Counsel
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Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University