NEWS LETTER    第14号 (2006年 秋)

山田 雅仁    やまだ まさひと





図 2005年7月から10月までの間に得られた北海道大学雨龍研究林のダケカンバ林で観測された全天日射量とダケカンバの競争の強さの関係。この林は1973年にササのかき起こしが行なわれたダケカンバ同齢二次林である。

 Transport of particulate organic carbon in the Ishikari River
   Md. Jahangir. Alam  ジャハンガー アラム

 Half of the total organic carbon transported from land to ocean travels along river systems as particulate organic carbon (POC). Therefore, it is an important pathway of the terrestrial carbon cycle. Carbon discharge and its transport patterns differ among rivers according to watershed conditions such as geographical, hydrological, and land-use features. Few studies have examined river systems to elucidate POC sources and discharge patterns. Both Δ14C and δ13C values have been proven to be simple and useful to study POC sources, residence times, and dynamics. This study applied carbon isotopic ratios (Δ14C and δ13C) to POC in Ishikari River waters to clarify POC transportation behavior.

 Water samples were collected at a fixed station once a month from April 2004 to July 2005. Suspended solids were separated using continuous flowing centrifuge method. An accelerator mass spectrometer was used for 14C/12C and 13C/12C analyses.

 The watershed conditions varied during sampling. The highest water levels occurred in April and May during snow-melting. Precipitation raised water levels slightly in September and November (Fig. 1). The Δ14C values of the Ishikari POC were highest in early summer and winter. The lowest values occurred during snow-melting in April, 2004. The δ13C values show similar variation (Fig. 2). Positive values of Δ14C with respect to the standard of 1950 are considered as young and the negative as old POC. The lowest Δ14C value in April suggests that POC consisted of older organic materials, such as soil organic matter, because of soil erosion at higher water discharge. The maximum of Δ14C values in early summer and winter indicates the contribution of younger organic materials such as fresh plants or riverine biota. These results indicate residence times of POC on the land surface and the role of river systems in regional and global carbon cycling.

 Fig. 1: Water level variations            Fig. 2: Δ14C and δ13C values
