Teleteaching between Hokkaido University and ETH Zurich

Hokkaido University and ETH offer "common lectures" between the two universities. Professors from both universities cooperate to prepare the lectures. Thus, cooperation between two leading institutes in cryospheric science provide lectures of the highest global standards.

Recently, we have also introduced an e-learning lecture via the Internet. This course about the physics of the ice is given by Prof. Hondoh at Hokkaido University to students at ETH Zurich.

Teleteaching T. Hondoh

Prof. Hondoh giving a lecture on ice physics for students in Zurich

Such a collaboration can help to avoid unneccessary travelling while still enabling personal interaction. For example, the students in Zurich can ask questions directly through the video conference. Together with the IT people from ETH (NET) and using software such as VNC this teleteaching is made possible. The camera system used at Hokkaido University is shown below.



The lecturer can see the students on screen

Teleteaching Screen

The presentation as seen by the students can also be displayed on the screen (bottom right corner)

Camera System

The camera system used at Hokkaido University